Terror of Satan

So true this quote from our great Saint, Bishop, Early Church Father, and Doctor of the Church, “Saint Augustine”..The devil, we have been told by Saint Peter, our first Pope, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour..
But if you turn to Christ and his Bride through the help and guidance from our Blessed Mother, who along with our Lord crushed his head already, and Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons, than you will not be devoured..
Turn to feed on the grace from the Sacraments, especially the Blessed Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and The Sacrament of Reconciliation..
First of all, Are you a Catholic who foolishly believes that evil will triumph over good?..Of course no one should think that way..
The devils future is already been set..He’s alrady been defeated..He only roams around now because he wants to take you to hell with him, the place Our Lord has prepared for the devil and his dark angels, meaning his demons..
Have you fallen and maybe even fallen often?…Get back up!..The devils looking for that knockout punch..He wants you to give up and stay down..
But we have our Lord and King who’s much more powerful by far, and will prepare a place for you in Heaven one day if we do His will..
Not everybody is going to Heaven, including many so called Catholics who are living within the Church doing and thinking as they please and somehow living their own will, which technically is the devils will..So don’t fall for the devils trickery..
God and his Army within’ the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, led by our Spiritual Mother and Spiritual Father Mary and Joseph, is where you, with complete faith and trust in God, turn to for hope and protection along with all the Saints and Angels..
The Saints are the Church Triumphant who have already fought the good fight and ran the race and won..They did not foolishly look at the devil as some formidable giant..They learned to trust in God’s providence and grace and looked at him ultimately as a cowardly child.
.Pray the Hail Mary for example and you’ll see the devil flee faster than a New York minute.
.I know what some of you are probably thinking.
—Don’t challenge the devil..But that’s what our great Saint is talking about here..We mustn’t make him a formidable giant..
We must not in any way give him any credit or power..
We might be weak in our human nature but we sure aren’t weak when we give it all to God through Mary and Joseph..We aren’t weak when we receive his grace through the Sacraments..We aren’t weak when we give it to Mary through praying the Rosary..
The thing is, the devil will win some battles over us all, and has, but I know on a personal level he will not win the War over my Soul..
The way I look at the devil, is that snake should not be overemphasized in any way..
Treat him like a cowardly child and laugh at the fact that he thinks he can take your soul..
Yes, he knows your weaknesses and vulnerabilities..But we draw our strength on our Lord.
.That Cross you carry will find it’s way to our own personal Calvary and we must look to Our Mother for help..
We must always be Crucified of our Love for worldly desires and die to ourselves and give it all to God..
Mary was there to see the Pain and suffering of her Son on the day of His Passion, so she will be with us also every step of the way, as Mary is our Spiritual Mother..
We’re never alone in our Spiritual battles my friends..Spiritual, Physical, and Mental Pain and suffering of any kind, is to be offered up for the conversion of all unrepentant sinners and for our fellow brothers and sisters in Purgatory, awaiting Heaven as they are Purged further to become completely clean and pure..
Don’t let your pain and suffering go to waste..Use it, as that angers and irritates the devil..
The devil doesn’t like the fact that our prayers and offerings are used to save some souls..
So don’t give the evil one too much credit as you go through your trials and tribulations..
Perseverance through the strength of Christ is the key!..
Saint Augustine, you, who converted to Catholicism from Paganism,from the years of prayers from your Mother,
“Saint Monica”, by the grace of God, and went on to win the race, pray for us! — Richie Carlin