Christ The King

*Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ The Lord of Lords King of Kings God's of God's King of the Universe* 

Posted on November 25, 2020

Our Morning Offering – 25 November – The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

A Prayer to Christ the King

O Jesus Christ,

I acknowledge You as universal King.

All that has been made,

has been created for You.

Exercise all Your rights over me.

I renew my Baptismal Vows.

I renounce Satan, his pomps and his works,

I promise to live as a good Christian.

And, in particular do I pledge myself to labour,

to the best of my ability,

for the triumph of the rights of God

and of Your Church.

Divine Heart of Jesus,

to You do I offer my poor services,

labouring that all hearts

may acknowledge Your sacred kingship

and that thus, the reign of Your peace,

be established throughout the whole universe.

Amen Alleluia 🙏🙏🙏

O Jesus, king most wonderful,
Thou conqueror renowned,
Thou Sweetness most ineffable,
In whom all joys are found!

When once Thou visitest the heart,
Then truth begins to shine,
Then earthly vanities depart,
Then kindles love divine.

O Jesus, light of all below,
Thou Fount of life and fire,
Surpassing all the joys we know,
And all we can desire!

Thy wondrous mercies are untold,
Through each returning day;
Thy love exceeds a thousand fold,
Whatever we can say.

May every heart confess Thy name;
And ever Thee adore;
And seeking Thee, itself inflame,
To seek Thee more and more.

Thee may our tongues forever bless;
Thee may we love alone;
And ever in our lives express
The image of Thine own.